
Harnessing Nature – Biocatalysis for Development and Drug Discovery

13. März 2019
Einladung / Flyer

About the event

To meet the demand for screenable enzyme libraries, we are expanding the biocatalytic toolbox with new members of synthetically useful enzyme families. The lecture will highlight the discovery of novel ene reductases and the construction of a ketoreductase library for the synthesis of active pharmaceutical intermediates. By using a combination of microbial strain screening and databank analysis, genes encoding the desired functions were identified. Biochemical characterization of the (novel) enzymes highlights their application potential.

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Hörsaal E3.1
Petersgasse 10-12, Erdgeschoss
8010 Graz


Forum Technik und Gesellschaft

Über die Personen

Prof. Dr. Rebecca Buller leads the Competence Center for Biocatalysis (CCBIO) at the Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Wädenswil. Before joining the ZHAW, Rebecca Buller held a position as Laboratory Head and Project Manager at Firmenich, a flavour and fragrance company. In this role, she developed and optimized several biocatalysis based processes for the manufacture of asset molecules. Additionally, Prof. Dr. Buller brings in-depth knowledge of enzyme engineering through her academic research at ETH Zurich. Dr. Rebecca Buller received her Diploma degree in Chemistry from the University of Münster and studied at the University of California in Santa Barbara. She holds a PhD degree from the Institute of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences at ETH Zurich.


13:00 Uhr


von der Linden Claudia
Dipl.Wirtschaftsing. (FH)

Talk Rebecca BULLER Prof. Dr., Lead of the Competence Center for Biocatalysis (CCBIO) at the Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)

Drink and Snacks

Discussion on Gender Challenges and Opportunities for Careers in Academia (Seminar Room BKEG053, Petersgasse 14, ground floor)

Moderation Robert KOURIST Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat., Head of the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, TU Graz
